Our beloved therapy rabbit, Bunny, passed away unexpectedly on October 1, 2023. Bunny had a wonderful monthly visit three days earlier with his clients at the Geriatric Behavioral Health Unit and Long Term Care Unit at Boulder City Hospital and looked forward to his visit with the staff of Southern Hills Hospital on the anniversary of October 1, but unfortunately he crossed over the rainbow bridge that morning. Bunny just passed his Pet Partners renewal evaluation in May at the highest level of Complex.
Bunny is famously known as the first registered Therapy Bunny with Pet Partners of Las Vegas. Everyone looked for Bunny at group events, conventions, college visits and he also committed to many individual visits on his own, such as his monthly visits to Boulder City and Southern Hills Hospitals. Bunny especially enjoyed the large events, where visitors would do a double take when they realized a live bunny was perched in the white wicker basket and visiting with children, many of which had never pet a real, live bunny.
He has been featured on several local news segments such as Fox 5, Channel 8 and News 3, and in the local Pet Scene magazine. Bunny represented Pet Partners and the “other” species so well and made everyone want to understand the care and training of therapy rabbits.