Duke Maynard born November 22, 2016, passed over the rainbow bridge on 02/23/24 a brindle English Mastiff peacefully surrounded by his family.
Duke joined our family in 2016 when he was just 8 weeks of age. Our intention of getting him was just as a family pet but Duke became more than that. When we went to meet him after us holding him and putting him and his brother down, Duke would not leave our sides, he chose us. From that day on it was love. From that day on Duke and I were a team.
Duke had great attributes he loved his toys and would grab one when he saw you and do his goofy growl and bring it to you and then turn his butt so you would give him his butt rubs. His drool was his downfall. He loved to go get a drink, then come up to you and wipe it on your pants. It was not for the weak stomach and his favorite Aunt was always his target when she came to visit. Duke’s favorite sleeping spot was next to his mommy Tiger. If his brother got in his spot, he would put his head on the bottom of the bed and cry till he moved, then he would jump up and plop his butt right in his spot.
Duke belonged to the community. First, he was registered with Pet Partners in 2018 and did over 1,000 visits. His home was Apple Rehab in Mystic. He will be greatly missed by all the staff and residents there. He also visited the New London School district and Lawrence and Memorial Hospital where he was loved by the staff and students. He will be greatly missed by all the lives he touched. Duke gained the title by AKC as a distinguished therapy dog. He started doing therapy dog visits at the age of 4 ½ months but could not be registered till he was a year old, but he was born for it.
Duke is survived by his handler and owner Elizabeth “Tiger” Maynard-White and his other mommy Debra L. White-Maynard, his sister Cookie, his Aunt Debra Holman, Uncle Dave Scott, Aunt Terry Peach, Aunt Crystal Maddox-Machabee, Aunt Tricia White and Robert Maynard.
Duke visited over 19,079 people that was recorded with Pet Partners. I want to thank Pet Partners for all their love and state “Angels don’t only have wings they have paws and some are born for it and that was a gift given to me by god”. Duke rescued me and I was lost till I got him and he helped me find Pet Partners and so many people that showed not only Duke love but me to.