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A Tribute to Jhun the Therapy Pigeon


I remember the first day I took Jhun home. I sang to her for two hours in the car. When we arrived home, I opened the travel carrier and sat on the bed, giving her space to come out on her own. She immediately emerged, flew over, and landed on my lap. After taking one glance at me, she flew to my shoulder. We bonded right away.

After harness training, we went everywhere together. We visited pet-friendly stores, hiked, kayaked, and even rollerbladed (with her sitting in a stroller). She was a fearless and confident pigeon who loved everyone of all ages.

Our favorite therapy story is from a visit to Atria Southpoint Living Facility, one of our usual monthly stops. It brought us such joy to see everyone’s faces light up. Residents would tell us they were waiting by the window and getting excited to see Jhun coming for a visit. Some even wished there were a slide to get to us faster.

I love you so much, Jhun. You were a huge part of my heart and soul. Thank you to Pet Partners for the opportunity to spread emotional support to everyone.